Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What will we do with the data you supply?

If you buy items from our online store, your name, email address, and other personal information will be collected in the purchasing and selling procedure.

Your IP address will be automatically gathered when you visit the website. Your IP address helps us identify your operating system and web browser.

When you accept, we\’ll send you emails about the latest products in our store or any other important information.

Section 2: Consent

Do you know an easier way to get my permission other than asking me?

When we request your personal details to complete a transaction or to confirm the details of your credit card in order to carry out a secure online transaction, to arrange delivery or returns, to exchange products or to fulfill any other purpose the information you provide is your consent for its use and collection to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

We\’ll ask for permission or will give you the opportunity to decline if the use is not for marketing purposes.

Section 3: Disclosure

It is possible that we need to disclose the personal details of your customers when legally required to or because you violated our terms of services.


The majority of the third party service providers we use only collect, share, and save your information for the necessary amount to provide the service.

Service providers from third parties (such as payment processors/payment gateways) could have their own privacy guidelines regarding the personal information they need from us to complete the transaction.

We suggest that you go over the privacy guidelines of these service providers to ensure that you know the way your personal information is used by these service providers.

Keep in mind that some of the service providers are located or be operating in a location which is not ours or yours. If you choose to complete a transaction using the services of a third party service providers, your personal information could be subject to the laws in the countries where the service provider is located or has its facilities.

Section 5 SECTION 4.

We guard your information private with all the care we are able to.

Every credit card\’s information is stored in a secure way and sent via AES 256 encryption. Although no technology or method can ensure 100% security, we adhere to the PCI DSS and other standards of the industry.


You are confirming that by accessing this website you are in compliance with limits on your age within the province or state where you reside or have agreed to allow minors dependent on you have access to this website.